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Impostor Syndrome is Hell

Writer's picture: Jewel E. LeonardJewel E. Leonard

Impostor syndrome: the psychological experience of intellectual or professional fraudulence.
Impostor syndrome: the self-doubt in one's own abilities when compared with peers, and despite evidence that may suggest the contrary.
Impostor syndrome: there are folks who tell me I have it. I beg to differ; to have impostor syndrome, I would first need to be good at anything I do so then my doubts would justify that 'intellectual or professional fraudulence.'

The envy I have for artists is really ramping up again.

Artists hear "I'd give my eyeteeth to draw like you do." (I know they're told that because I've been the one to say such things. Often. And I see I'm not alone in making comments like that.)

Writers are not told anything like "I wish I could write like that!" when someone reads their work (or at least I'm not told that). I think the closest I've been to receiving a comment like that was "how do you write so much?" which was something I was asked a long time ago--and to this day, I still question whether that was meant as the compliment I struggled to take it as.

I also believe people are far more likely to interact with an artist's post than with a writer's. I can even use my own posts as an example--when it's a drawing, even if it's not great, I'll typically get some reaction, even if minimal. If it's writing? Chirp, chirp.

This cricket did not get the communal cricket braincell.

I'll count myself lucky if anyone can be bothered to click a "like."

And the super disturbing thing is that I have long considered writing to be my greatest strength.

It is so hard to want to share my writing when I think nobody is looking, nobody cares, nobody likes it. The silence is deafening. I don't know why people are so eager to praise an artist but not a writer.

Writers need love, too.

Maybe other writers do get that interaction, and it's just me who's missing out.

As difficult as it can be to make any headway on social media, I truly believe artists have it so much easier than writers do when it comes to growing their platforms. Nobody's on social media to look at words. They're there for pictures and video. (There's actually a scene about this frustration in my fanfic.)

It's said that "anything is content" but who goes to a coffee shop to watch a writer write? (The only folks who do that--and I hope there aren't any--are doing so with cruel intent.)

Family Guy gets it.

I've considered things I could do as "content" in regard to my process (spoiler alert--I have no process) but it would merely take time away from what little free time I have to, you know ... write.

And while nobody is waiting with bated breath for my next book, my next social media post, my next blog update, I actually do want to get my words written. It's totally selfish but I'm doing this for myself.

Maya Angelou knew what she was talking about when she said, "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." (Although I have no doubt I'm interpreting this statement very differently from its original intent.)

TL;DR I'm feeling hopeless about my social media reach. I feel like I'm crying into the void but the void has airplane ears and wants tuna.

The Void.

I'm certain the resounding silence I get when I post is because what I put out is hot garbage and nobody cares, nobody wants to even spend a moment to tell me "don't bother; you're wasting your time; your finished products stink."

And if any of that is untrue, I've officially circled back to the original "Impostor Syndrome" topic of this post.

So what kind of interaction is most encouraging for a writer? Good question!

Of course, I cannot speak for all writers, but I know the kinds of things that would be most encouraging for me to receive in response to my posts. And they may not be as expensive, difficult, or as time-consuming as you, my dear reader, may assume.

To start, when it comes to the fanfic I am working on, this is free. F.R.E.E. I am earning no money off it. Even when I offer it in full e-book format, it will be F-R-E-E to download.

So if you enjoy my writing (and especially when it comes to this fanfic):

  • Say so! Seriously. Simple as that. You can reply to my blog posts. You can reply to my social media posts. If you think for a moment any of us unknown authors are drowning in comments, you are, sadly, mistaken. Lay thine eyes upon my field of feedback and see that it is barren.

  • Click those little curved arrows on Facebook and Reddit! Click on the little paper airplane on Instagram and then the < thingie with the circles on the corner and ends (what even is that, anyway?) Retweet. (I guess that would be re-x'ing now?)

  • Follow across social media so you don't miss updates. Algorithms are a cruel mistress and maybe Facebook won't share that post but Twitter (sigh, "X") will.

  • Word-of-mouth is wildly underrated. If you have a friend you think would enjoy a writer's work, tell that friend about it. Historically, this resulted in sales of my books much more reliably than any other type of sharing.

  • And for those who are shy of words themselves and don't know what to comment on, or maybe they don't want to share smutty-smutty-smut-smut on their feeds, please do not underestimate the value of simply clicking the thumbs up/upward pointing arrow/heart.

  • Explore the writer's other works. In my case, there are similar themes and familiar components in everything I write. If you like one thing I write, you may well like the others. (My not-free books are free to read on Kindle Unlimited for those who have that subscription.)

  • Are you an artist? Doing fanart is never ever ever ever ever ever inappropriate or unwelcome here. (Did I mention never ever?)

Writers are like everyone else--we just want to be heard.

So now the fanfic update:

61,870 words.


And it is complete. I finished it in 48 days. I can't believe it!

I also just finished a random round of editing--all but the final chapter, which I concluded about a half hour ago (remember how I said above that I don't have a process? I don't).

So hey! Who wants to whet their appetite with a sneak peek at the fanfic chapter titles?

The first chapter will be posted in 2 weeks! Is anyone ready? I'm sure not! EEK!

Stay sane, deer friends!



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