Greetings and salivations!
Like the grand and fictional phoenix, I have arisen from my ashes!
And I'm terrified to admit that I've had this blog post in my drafts for three and a half years. There wasn't much to it when I created it aside from a single paragraph and the post title which
I'd forgotten all about until I opened my blog draft list, and
Made me laugh at my past self for all the things she didn't know were coming for her (and what will be coming to this blog and website before too long--more on that toward the end of this post).
So I'm sure you're (not) asking yourself, "Girl, where you been for three and a half years?"
I published book 5 of The Witches' Rede (Rout).

I started work on book 6 (of 9). There are a few complications and delays in getting the remainder of this series complete but rest assured, it's still coming along.
I held a series of increasingly miserable temporary jobs after losing the one I loved so much in May of 2020. When I finally secured a permanent job at a certain vending-machine-based car sales company, I received the call I'd been waiting for to return to that beloved job (which of course I leapt on).
Remember how I mentioned in a previous post that I got covid-19 in Nov of 2020 and my husband caught it from me? (You don't remember that. Don't lie. You just backed out of this post to check the others and came back to finish it. I can tell.)
Well, that illness resulted in permanent disability for him.
Fast-forward 2 years and 2 promotions, I'm now one of 4 department managers at my beloved job. I just celebrated my 3rd work anniversary at the beginning of last month.
It has been a rough year so far but I know it'll only get better!

My little girl turned 10 (she is still completely non-verbal but at least she's ambulating unassisted to some extent), my son is now old enough for a learner's permit to drive, and I dropped 30 lbs I didn't need.
Meanwhile, I penned another stand-alone novel that is in the early stages of edits (if you enjoyed Rays of Sunshine, this one should be right up your alley). Its webpage should be brought online soon for the curious.
And then (imagine ominous music here, maybe, idk, Dies Irae as it's performed at the beginning of Kubrik's The Shining) ...

That character happened to me.
I watched the first episode of Hazbin Hotel on Amazon and my phone gallery went from this (aka "normal" -- family, pets, craft inspiration):

to this:

In my defense, I have none.
No I have a little bit of a defense. I needed reference material so I could learn to draw this character.

I was initially going to make a webcomic but I just don't have the skills or time for that. So ...
I'm reverting to my writerly roots.
What's that mean for you, friends far and wide?
Free reading! Not just because I will be posting that story on this website but because this process is inspiring me to blog again.
If you like my books, you should like this story. Although it's fanfic, you can expect the same quality as what I publish in my books.
If you're coming over from Reddit ... you know why you're here. Patience, my fellow crazy Pookies!
I'll be posting this story per chapter on my blog, and once it's complete, I'll make it available for free as a downloadable ebook. (But I get the physical paperback because I can. 😈)
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have.
^^ Work habits die hard. That's how I end the majority of my emails these days. ^^
Stay sane, deer friends!
